Monday, March 10, 2014

Russia: Why Russia really wants Crimea

        Over these past weeks, Russia has been a major topic of discussion when Russian military invaded Ukraine. This article provided an simple out look on the conflict between Russian leader Vladimir Putin and his forceful tactics to dominate Crimea.  Gregory Feifer claims that Putin wants to gain control of Crimea because, " Putin sees Westernization in Russia’s southern neighbor as an existential threat to his regime, if not in the way the Kremlin formulates it". Putin's motives are only beneficial to himself and not Russia. By invading Crimea, Russia can forcibly demand Ukraine to uphold Putin's regime. Obviously, Putin does not want his capitalist government sink so he uses military tactics to try and scare Ukraine from becoming its own independent country. I don't agree with Putin's forceful tactics and think his actions are self centered and beneficial to his increase in wealth and not Russia's wealth fare. The U.S. Main concern is to defend the people of Ukraine and ensuring the safety of the people ofCrimea. President Obama has made it clear, if Putin pulls the trigger, the U.S.Army will be ready to fight. Right now, their is no telling what Putin has planned and for now the people of Ukraine are in constant fear of their lives. I just hope, the U.S.,Ukraine leaders, and Putin can compromise on a deal.

Article Link:

1 comment:

  1. This is a great perspective. It's interesting, but we really do not know if Putin is sane or not. Perhaps he may not out be for Russian welfare, but to me it seems like there are a group of elitists who are running Russia. After reading the chapter, I do not know what sense to make of their system of government.
