Monday, April 21, 2014

Iran:Little Change

Many Iranians are disappointed with President Rouhani and his unfulfilled promise of "transformation".    Iran is still dealing with sociocultural restrictions, unemployment, and downward social mobility. President Rouhani's first six months of presidency has only made breakthroughs in international negotiations but had neglected to "transform" Iran into a prosperous  country. He is neglecting to  address the main issues that many Iranians must struggle with like unemployment. Tehran Bureau Correspondents founds that, "The Iranian economy shrank 2% in the past six months, according to official statistics, and consumer prices have increased 5.6% since Rouhani’s inauguration last August". The unemployment and inflation control has only gotten worse. many  Iranians are growing impatient and many must turn to government handouts to stay above water. Basically, President Rouhani has done more harm then good. From the trading markets to un accessibility of medicated pills. Iran is slowly declining and the one who can take his country out of a state of loss, has not yet addressed ways in which  he can improve the country.  Through history, Iran has faced a number of leaders that weren't  necessarily looking out for the peoples best interest. If President Rouhani makes strives to improve Iran's economy, I think Iran can one day become Democratic. 

Monday, April 14, 2014

Nigeria: Progress in move against child,maternal mortality

The country of Nigeria is make steady progress in decreasing  child mortality rate. On  April thirteenth, the Minister of Women Affairs, Hajiya Zainab Maina, announce to the public that their is a steady progress in the reduction of child, maternal mortality  rate in the country.  According to Maina, “we are half way to meeting the 2015 target for infant mortality rate and one-third from the under fives mortality rate”. Nigeria  has had many struggles in the past on the massive increase of mortality rate and the number of  deaths due to economic instability. Basically, their are to many mouth to feed and not enough food to go around. In many cases,  a woman die during child birth are not receiving the proper assistance and live in very poor villages were sanitation and lack of medication cause deaths.  Maina has worked with her minister to provide boat ambulances to the reverine areas . Members of the Women Affairs distribute Mama Kits during advocacy visits to various states, support the training of specialized health personnel, and more importantly provide supplies used during labor to ensure the safety of the mother and her child. Maina help to  Integrate Maternal and Child Health Strategy, Midwifery Service Scheme, the Conditional Cash Transfer for Pregnant Women to encourage skilled birth attendants and Immunization for children, and the SURE-P Maternal Project. I am glad to see the government work with their people and provide equipment and service to decrease the amount of child, maternal mortality rate. Maina advocates an ongoing determinism to save hundreds of lives. Child labor is a excruciating experience for a woman to go through and during this event, the midwife must take cautionary steps to ensure the safety of the child and the mother and to do so, the midwife must have proper training and the proper "sterilized" equipment. Nigeria has provided these essential things for child birth to go swiftly. Keep up the progress!

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Brazil: currency inflation due to 2016 Olympics

The city of Rio de Janeiro has had a recent inflation in the prices being charged by restaurants bars, shops and properties due to the 2016 World Olympics. With the next Summer Olympic held in Rio, the government waist no time promoting and taking advantage of this up an coming event. Residents of Rio are infuriated by the increase and decided to turn to social media to address this issue. Reporters Gavin McOwen and Stephan Moss states that a group of Rio residents created a Facebook page titled, Rio $urreal -Don't Pay and their are currently 150,000 followers. What was very intriguing was that the country of Brazil does not have its own currency. Even at a state of democracy and being the first Latin American country to have developed a prosperous  government system but use another country's currency? Obviously, the country has a ways to go in order to become independent. I really liked the idea of saving money by being a "iceboxer", bringing your own food and drinks to the beach with definitely save someone a lot of money. I also like the fact that social media is a very helpful tool to address concerns and issues. I hope the government listens to its people and cut down prices.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Mexico:Boarder Patrol

A recent  altercation between the U.S.  officials and Mexican officials raises a few concerns.  In January , two heavily army Mexican soldiers crossed the boarder, stepped into Arizona and  drew their weapons against U.S.  Boarder Patrol agents.  The two Mexican officials retreated and were forced to go back to go back to Mexico’s territory. The U.S. Is very concern  because within the last four years, incidents like this one and Mexican Embassy denied the Mexican soldiers were involved and does is not doing anything  to control their men. The boarder between the United States and Mexico has had numerous incidents involving, immigration, drug smuggling and conflict between both officials. U.S. Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee  demand a stronger U.S. defense along the four states that constitute this side of the 1,000-mile U.S.-Mexico border. The main concern is that Mexican officials are uncooperative. The U.S. needs to once again meet with Mexico but this time, propose an ultimatum. If the Mexican Embassy cant cooperate, refrain from having any social and economical ties with Mexico and possibly restrict Mexicans from legally immigrating to the U.S.

Monday, March 24, 2014

India: Muthalik's Plea

Chief of right wing outfit Sri Ram Sene, Pramod Muthalik begs the BJP's central leadership to change their decision, allowing him to join the BJP . The BJP had originally voted to have Muthalik part of their party but allegations of his misconduct has surfaced and denied his entry. A recent incident between Sri Ram Sene activists and a few bi-standards in a pub turned violent. These activists assaulted men and women and acting in an "obscene manner". That incident  jeoperdized Mithalik's chances of joining the BJP party. I can understand  why the BJP decided to let Mithalik go. If they would have allowed Mithalik into their party knowing what his right wing activities had done, The public would be outraged. Like any democratic government system, the voters place a significant importance in electing leaders to serve in each party. The people would not want anyone of the members condoning in violence amongst their own people so  Mithalik's acceptance to the BJP was right to be abolished. Mithalik is now begging to have his spot back and it is unclear if the PBJ is willing to budge. I agree with their decision and do not find their decision unreasonable. Th

India:Muthalik's Plea

Chief of right wing outfit Sri Ram Sene, Pramod Muthalik begs the BJP's central leadership to change their decision, allowing him to join the BJP . The BJP had originally voted to have Muthalik part of their party but allegations of his misconduct has surfaced and denied his entry. A recent incident between Sri Ram Sene activists and a few bi-standards in a pub turned violent. These activists assaulted men and women and acting in an "obscene manner". That incident  jeoperdized Mithalik's chances of joining the BJP party. I can understand  why the BJP decided to let Mithalik go. If they would have allowed Mithalik into their party knowing what his right wing activities had done, The public would be outraged. Like any democratic government system, the voters place a significant importance in electing leaders to serve in each party. The people would not want anyone of the members condoning in violence amongst their own people so  Mithalik's acceptance to the BJP was right to be abolished. Mithalik is now begging to have his spot back and it is unclear if the PBJ is willing to budge. In my opinion I don't not disagree with the BJP's decision. I think they made right move in taking Mithalik's out of BJP.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

China and U.S. Solar Trade Agreement

In this article, China and the U.S. have had mayor disagreements with the transportation of solar panel materials from one country to another. Recently, China had finalized their tariffs and duties against the U.S. polysilicon suppliers. China is sticking to their original proposal to provide an antidumping penalty of 53-57 percent on a roster of US suppliers, and 2-49 percent on a smaller list of South Korean suppliers, all in effect for five years starting January 20.These long months of trying to settle an agreement has tarnished the profit margins of these companies in China producing these particular material. This article has some substantial detail of  the ongoing debate and to sum it up, both parties a negatively affected by not coming to terms with a solution. I can  agree with both sides and think that is China is more reasonable with  the amount of tariff they want to charge to the U.S. Editor James Montgomery believes that, "Any U.S. companies importing solar products or components need to make sure their suppliers are participating if they are called upon -- if they don't they'll likely be hit with big penalties, and the importing company will be fully liable".  Montgomery stresses on this alarming neglect by the U.S. when this whole debate began.  This whole debate is a little fuzzy to me because this prolonged debate is not only affecting both the U.S. and China's economy, it also affects the workers and business corporations.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Russia: Why Russia really wants Crimea

        Over these past weeks, Russia has been a major topic of discussion when Russian military invaded Ukraine. This article provided an simple out look on the conflict between Russian leader Vladimir Putin and his forceful tactics to dominate Crimea.  Gregory Feifer claims that Putin wants to gain control of Crimea because, " Putin sees Westernization in Russia’s southern neighbor as an existential threat to his regime, if not in the way the Kremlin formulates it". Putin's motives are only beneficial to himself and not Russia. By invading Crimea, Russia can forcibly demand Ukraine to uphold Putin's regime. Obviously, Putin does not want his capitalist government sink so he uses military tactics to try and scare Ukraine from becoming its own independent country. I don't agree with Putin's forceful tactics and think his actions are self centered and beneficial to his increase in wealth and not Russia's wealth fare. The U.S. Main concern is to defend the people of Ukraine and ensuring the safety of the people ofCrimea. President Obama has made it clear, if Putin pulls the trigger, the U.S.Army will be ready to fight. Right now, their is no telling what Putin has planned and for now the people of Ukraine are in constant fear of their lives. I just hope, the U.S.,Ukraine leaders, and Putin can compromise on a deal.

Article Link:

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Japan: An Ongoing Attempt to Save the Bottle Dolphins

In this article, “Japan's Dolphin Hunt: Tradition or Barbary?” Sarah Wolfe talks about an ongoing tradition in Japan, eating dolphin meat but the main controversy that has surfaced in the United States is the ways in which these hunters gather and kill these animals. The majority of discreet coves are located in Taiji, Japan. Hunters would gather a large group of dolphins by making sound barriers to disorient these helpless creatures and lead them to a small cove where hunters wait on boats, carrying riffles and spheres. One by one, each dolphin is either shot in the head or a sphere is thrust into its abdomen and endures a slow and painful death. The hunters gather the dolphin carcasses and send them off meat factories. Many animal activists in America traveled to parts of Taiji to document these in humane acts of animal cruelty. A movie titled The Cove documented a man's journey to stop the killing of dolphins. Over the past forty-five years, the government of Japan has complied and banned the eating of dolphin meat but now news about these animals being slaughtered has surfaced once again. In this article, Wolfe address both sides of the argument; one might say it is inhumane for the slaughtering of bottle dolphins but on the other hand, the killing, packaging and distribution of dolphin meat is a job one needs to support their family. I am less biased and against the slaughtering of these animals. I personally do not agree with this "tradition", although their methods of killing dolphins has changed, I do not condone with eating dolphin meat. The Japanese government has a habit of turning a blind eye to controversies like this, if they already banned the eating and selling of dolphin meat, why do they continue to allow these small businesses to kill these animals and sell the product? In my opinion, the government only complied because of the amount of protest and fuss American Organizations did to bring an end to the slaughter of dolphins. If it is against the law, the companies should not be allowed to kill and distribute dolphin products.

Article Link:

General history of dolphin killing:

Monday, February 10, 2014

Germany Moving Forward

It's great to know that Germany  is making  great strives to improve our Eco-system.  Companies in Germany are generating their own electricity by using grids used to deliver electric power to power  plants and business offices.  Companies like Mercedes Benz   Have used this method  in the hopes of decreasing  the electricity bills and  to also  help  minimize the amount of pollution they have caused to the Environment. In this article , the German Government  proposes a a new fee to companies that have transitioned to generating their own electricity. The main concern is the  amount of money needed to transport equipment used for Germany's solar electricity projects all around the world. Sigmas Gabriel plants to charge companies and individuals who produce their own energy to pay a fee.  The money they charge , will help to invest the renewables initiates plan. If the plan goes through, companies will have to pay the full 6.24 euro cent surcharge.

Ralph Schneider from Priosol Energy Investments  did not find  the governments idea to fees on generating ones own electricity surprising. More and more companies are turning to these efficient  alternatives and thinks its best for the companies finance. I thought that Schneider's argument was interesting. Why is the government of Germany creating offshore wind farms  and making large amount of investments in another country as oppose to their own country that is in fact paying for these investments. I agree with Schneider, if the government wants to improve their lifestyle by creating a mass product of clean electricity, why aren't they creating  these wind farms in their own country.  I also agree with the government to tax companies that are using renewable electricity but I think that the investments made offshore seems a little fishy. If their going to charge Te companies, the money must be put into good use. Or  maybe, these investments take time to fully get the ball rolling a see some changes that not only benefits Germany but also the entire world.


Monday, February 3, 2014

France's Deficit

 In the end of 2013, President Francois Hollande plans to increase the amount of tax takes by an extra 3 billion euros. To meet this goal, Hollande will increase a top income-tax rate of 75% to households that make over one million euros a year. Although there are only 3,000 households with that income, their tax contribution will help Frances deficit. The President keeps his promise to tax the wealthy. Michala Marcussen argues that France must continue with structural reform. To do so, the government must look for ways of decreasing money that are being distributed In companies for example that have more than enough workers. France must make major changes in order to improve. Hollande is moving in the right direction by increasing taxation of the wealthy.

The main concern would be that residents are willing to move to another country due to Frances tax increase. Too much taxation might cause people to leave France and without their contribution, France’s economical issue will tremendously increase. In my opinion, France cannot afford to lose any of their citizens, more importantly, the wealthy ones per say. The tax increase could jeopardize any hope of getting out of economical deficit. By increasing tax rate to 75%, the 3,000 households must contribute three-fourth of their earnings to France. It seems a little too steep to force the wealthy to pay the majority of taxes. In the United States, the rich pay majority of the country’s income tax. In 2012, the top ten percent of taxpayers paid 70% of the total amount collected in federal income tax. In France, the top ten percent is paying over five percent on tax then in the United States.  President Hollande should take a few pointers to help decrease France’s deficit from President Obama. This past year, there has been a decrease in U.S. deficit this past year. Hollande is definitely making baby steps to improving his economy; he just needs to start making leaps in order to get France out of the hole they are in.


Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Chapter 2: Britain

I throughly enjoyed learning about the how power is distributed within Britain's government system.  Britain's government system is similar to  that of the United States because both believe that in order to lead a country, it is central to have separation of powers. Each man and woman have the freedom but to some extent rely on the leaders to protect their well-being. What differs from the United States is that, Britain is a parliamentary system. It is governed by  the prime minister and the division of power between the legislative and executive branch. I found it very interesting that Britain's government system is more stable than that of the United States government and for centuries the country has  managed balance a some what equal amount of power within the government at its citizens and throughout history, has had very few invasions from Germany and France.  Britain had to go through a number of trials and tribulations to get to where they are  today. A number of movements occurred mostly during the twentieth century.  Many rebelled against  the governments  inconsideration with their general welfare. Many sought to level class differences in Britain.

 If found it very interesting that although the members of the Parliament has an equal government,  the prime minister has the power to pick and control the cabinet. It is clear that the prime minister has a significantly higher role and has more of a upper hand  during cabinet meetings. The PM's role is similar to that of our President.  The only difference between the prime minister and the president is that in some manner, the legislative and executive branches have more control on how the house governs the country. Britain government  is structured in a way that distributes an equal amount of power within each parties but at the same time.  overall, I found common similarities between  Britain and the US's government system which was very interesting.